Lost Children at Risk of Sexual Violence... Hàng Ngàn Trẻ Con Thất Lạc Nguy Cơ Bị Bạo Hành t.ình d.ục


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Thousands of Lost Children at Risk of Sexual Violence in DRC
Hàng Ngàn Trẻ Con Thất Lạc Có Nguy Cơ Bị Bạo Hành t.ình d.ục

Avanced Level


Henry Ridgwell

Aid agencies say thousands of children in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) are at extreme risk of sexual violence, kidnapping and being forced to join armed militias. The recent upsurge in fighting in the eastern part of the country has led to many families being separated as they flee the violence -- and aid workers are trying to reunite lost children with their parents before they become victims.

(Subtitled by Le Quoc An’s Listening Class)
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